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Milan 26-30. September: World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion (WCPEC-8)

The World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion (WCPEC-8) will be organized from 26 till 30.September in Milan Convention Center in Italy. The WCPEC-8 is the world’s biggest platform for PV research and development, offering a unique possibility of international exchange by combining the three largest and most prominent international PV conferences: the European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference (39th EU PVSEC), the Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (IEEE PVSC-50) and the International PV Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC-32).


After being in place for more than a quarter of a century, the WCPEC, being held every four years, is firmly established among the global PV community as THE event for the greatest minds and experts in various PV sectors to meet and discuss, to exchange and network!

In 2022, Europe has the honour to host the 8th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, interchanging the prestigious EU PVSEC for this year, that is being held annually for more than 40 years. The WCPEC consists of different elements that complement each other to cover the whole spectrum PV has to offer.


It is a meeting point for PV experts worldwide, offering a programme that provides an overview and insights beyond one’s own field and ensures that topics that yield an interface between sectors and fields can be addressed explicitly.

As the “new king of electricity” solar power has a key role to play in the energy transition and the WCPEC is the place to discuss the photovoltaic (r)evolution.

Sneak peek of the Opening Session

We’re pleased to share with you a first look at some of our confirmed speakers of the Opening Session of the 8th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion.

First, the two winners of this year’s awards Martin Green (WCPEC Award) and Marko Topic (Becquerel Prize) will present their visions for the development of photovoltaics and the global PV sector in the coming decades.

Towards the next Terawatt of PV:  What are the most urgent priorities

These important questions will be explored in the opening speeches by representatives from the global PV industry.

  • Ajay Mathur, Director General, International Solar Alliance Agency (ISA)
  • Markus Beck, Program Manager, Manufacturing & Competitiveness, Solar Energy Technologies Office, U.S. Department of Energy
  • Li Zhenguo, Founder and President of LONGi  via video

The keynote speeches are followed by a high-level panel discussion with the title:

“1 Terawatt Market befor 2030 – Opportunities and Challenges for the Global PV Industry”


  • Gulnara Abdullina, Vice President Europe, LONGi Solar
  • Peter Fath, Founder and CEO of RCT Solutions, Kalyon PV Ankara
  • Eliano Russo, CEO of Enel Green Power (invited)
  • Additional panelists from IRENA and RENA Technologies (invited)

Moderation: Pierre Verlinden, Amrock

Message from the Technical Programme Chair

Photovoltaics at the heart of the ecological transition

I am honoured to be the Technical Programme Chair for the 8th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, hosted in Europe in 2022. It is especially gratifying that we will be able to meet together physically for the first time since 2019.

The technical programme for this truly global event is jointly prepared by the three principal regional photovoltaic conferences – the European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference (EU PVSEC), the Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (IEEE PVSC), and the International PV Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC). I would like to acknowledge the contribution of the co-Chairs Arno Smets and Shuzi Hayase to setting out the technical programme in 5 topical themes. The themes cover topics ranging from silicon cells, evolving and emerging technologies and Tandems, modules, PV systems engineering and applications. The energy transition topic covers the wide range of multidisciplinary efforts required to ensure the rapid deployment of PV technologies on a massive and global scale as a key element of the ecological transition.

Dr. Robert Kenny
WPCEC-8 Technical Programme Chair
European Commission – Joint Research Centre, Italy

Becquerel Prize Winner- Marko Topič

Professor Marko Topič receives the award for his outstanding contributions to the field of Photovoltaics. Those include his academic and experimental work with numerous optical and electrical software as well as measurement systems used by many labs and industries. His enormous engagement towards creating a strong PV community, in Europe and worldwide, as well as his work as chairman of the European Technology and Innovation Platform for Photovoltaics (ETIP-PV) are also recognized. Throughout his career, Prof. Topic has been continuously pushing to stimulate knowledge and people exchanges, supporting the presence of an EU industrial PV-sector, as well as preparing many scientists and engineers now active both in academia and PV industry.
Prof. Marko Topič, an electrical engineer by education, has been directing since 2006 the Laboratory of Photovoltaics and Optoelectronics of the University of Ljubljana, where he also chairs the full Department of Electronics. He is also an affiliate professor with Colorado State University. Since 2014 he has been chairman of the European Technology and Innovation Platform for Photovoltaics . He chaired or co-chaired multiple international PV conferences, and operates in several advisory council or board of research institutions.

The official prize ceremony will take place on the occasion of the 8th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion which will take place from 26 – 30 September 2022 in Milan.On behalf of the Becquerel Prize Committee, we cordially congratulate Professor Marko Topič for this well-deserved recognition.

Christophe Ballif, Chair Becquerel Committee.

The PV wave is more present than ever

As organisers of WCPEC-8, we are overwhelmed by the positive spirit and enthusiasm that our participants are showing towards the event in Milan.

97% of the versatile and extensive conference programme is already fixed, many companies and institutions support WCPEC-8 by promoting or sponsoring the event, and the exhibition area is almost fully booked, all well over a month before the event.
We see the new PV wave is more present than ever and want to thank our participants, partners and the global PV community for their support and commitment to taking the next steps towards an annual and healthy 1TW market together.

If you, too, want to be part of the wave towards a successful global PV deployment, join WCPEC-8 in Milan in September.

Whom to meet

Are you curious about who will be attending WCPEC-8? The global nature of this event is reflected in both the participants and the companies and institutions represented at the event. Get an overview of whom to meet!

PV Jobs fair

WCPEC-8 wants to help bring qualified PV professionals together with the right companies and jobs.Therefore, there will be an event on this topic on 29 September 2022 in Milan, Italy.

The Jobs Fair will consist of an open forum where employers, students and young professionals meet, discuss about potential hiring opportunities, and think about career options. In parallel, there is a LinkedIn forum where you can post your job openings online, where job seekers will have access to review the positions and apply.

This event thrives on the active participation of job seekers and job providers. Join us and be a part of it! Fill out the survey and join the WCPEC-8 PV Jobs Fair in Milan.

Refresh your knowledge with the PV Academy

Do you want to refresh your knowledge on specific PV Topics? The PV Academy is a new educational format which summaries and contextualizes the latest developments in PV research. It is the perfect preparation to learn about other disciplines and to sharpen one’s know-how before the conference week with its profound topics.

The PV Academy will take place on Sunday, 25 September 2022 in the Leonardo Da Vinci Museum. This place is one of the must-sees in the beautiful city of Milan and you can combine your visit with attending the first ever PV Academy.

Join our speakers for four exciting and educational sessions covering the topics:

  • Silicon Solar cells: Past and Future
  • PV and Architecture
  • Tandem Solar Cells
  • PV Systems and Storage Solutions
You can join for the full day or only pick your preferred session. Take a look at the programme and secure your ticket now.

Parallel Events Updates

In additional to the versatile and impressive conference programme, WCPEC-8 offers a great variety of Parallel Events covering the most diverse topics in photovoltaic research and technology.

We update the information on all events on a regular basis, so you will find new details and descriptions on the WPCEC-8 website.

Take a look and save your top picks to your personal schedule!


The Scientific Conference Programme is coordinated by the European Commission Joint Research Centre and covers the entire range of PV research, technologies and applications focusing on bringing the latest scientific and technological research trends to the market.

It also offers a variety of broader insights into the current developments in the sector, acknowledging that PV integration needs to be approached from all dimensions – scientific, technical, economic, political, business, and also social- and educational aspects.

The Programme is structured in plenary, oral and visual presentations and is divided into 5 topics. These cover the entire range of PV research, technologies and applications with a special emphasis on the latest scientific, technological and market-related trends.

While the focus of the event is set on the scientific findings researchers from all around the globe are contributing and sharing, the WCPEC aims to broaden the scope of content by also strengthening further topics like energy transition or policies and societal issues, and acknowledging that PV development and integration must be considered from all angles.

WCPEC hosts a variety of Parallel Events and Industry Sessions which are designed to give a holistic overview on international PV developments from all dimensions.

Positive news is media partner of WCPEC-8
Source: WCPEC-8